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NCTS Seminar on Mathematical Biology
10:00 - 11:30, June 10, 2022 (Friday)
Cisco Webex, Online seminar
(線上演講 Cisco Webex)
Mathematical Modeling on Ecology and Epidemiology
Sourav Kumar Sasmal (Birla Institute of Technology and Science)


In recent years, mathematical models have proven to be an effective tool for examining and exploring the dynamics of the spread of infectious diseases and species interactions at different  trophic levels. Particular practical interest in such models stems from the fact that they are currently the only systematic way to study possible control and mitigation strategies. My methodological and theoretical research work mainly addresses the complex systems related to ecology and epidemiology. In this presentation, I will discuss how mathematical models help to find the relative contribution of sexual transmission to the overall transmission of Zika virus. From there, we can identify which control measure is more important than others. In ecology, predation is the most potent force in the prey-predator model, which is also relatively easy to observe in nature. And to avoid predation, every lower trophic species (e.g., prey) adjusts its activity budgets and show a variety of anti-predator responses. There is some cost associated with these anti-predator responses by lowering the prey's birth or overall growth rates. Among such anti-predator responses, prey grouping is very common. I will discuss such models' dynamical effects, persistence, and global stability properties where cost associated with anti-predator behavior has been considered in terms of fear effects.

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences