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Meet with Professor Gerhard Huisken and Professor Richard Schoen
15:00 - 16:00, July 28, 2016 (Thursday)
R202, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 202室)
Meet with Professor Gerhard Huisken and Professor Richard Schoen
Richard Schoen (University of California, Irvine)


Gerhard Huisken ( Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach/University of Tübingen )
Richard Schoen ( Stanford University/University of California Irvine )


Academia Sinica


In this rare opportunity, Professor Huisken and Professor Schoen will share their perspectives and answer questions related to their own research experience in geometric analysis.
Professor Huisken is a world leading figure in differential geometry, nonlinear partial differential equations and general relativity. He is the director at the Mathematical Research Institute of Oberwolfach and has a professorship at the University of Tübingen. Professor Huisken has received the medal of the Australian Mathematical Society in 1991, the Leibniz prize of the German science foundation DFG in 2003. He has been elected to the Heidelberg Academy of Science, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Science, and the German National Academy Leopoldina.
Professor Schoen is a world leading figure in differential geometry, nonlinear Analysis, and mathematical relativity. He is the Bass Professor of Humanities and Sciences at Stanford University, Distinguished Professor at University of California Irvine. Schoen was awarded a MacArthur Fellowship in 1983, and the Bôcher Memorial Prize for his work on the Yamabe problem in 1989. He joined the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 1988 and the National Academy of Sciences in 1991, and won a Guggenheim Fellowship in 1996. In 2012 he became a fellow of the American Mathematical Society.


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