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NCTS / NTU / NCU / NTUST Joint Seminar on Compressive Sensing and Its Applications
16:30 - 17:30, December 18, 2015 (Friday)
R440, Astronomy-Mathematics Building, NTU
(台灣大學天文數學館 440室)
A general framework for a class of first order primal-dual algorithms for convex optimization in imaging science
Yi-Su Lo (National Central University)

In this talk, we introduced an efficient prime-dual hybrid gradient algorithm for total variation minimization problems. This descent-type algorithm alternates between primal and dual variables and could be connected to several popular existing methods such as CGM and Chambolle’s algorithms. As a numerical experiment, we also present a comparison of the performance of these algorithms applied to a benchmark denoising problem in the image processing realm.
Esser, Ernie, Xiaoqun Zhang, and Tony F. Chan. "A general framework for a class of first order primal-dual algorithms for convex optimization in imaging science."  SIAM  Journal  on  Imaging Sciences 3.4 (2010): 1015-1046. 


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