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Taiwan Mathematics School: Real Analysis Ⅱ
14:20-17:20, every Friday
M210, Department of Mathematics, NTNU

Ulrich Menne (National Taiwan Normal University)

Nan-Kuo Ho (National Tsing Hua University)

1. Background
Lebesgue integration theory is one of the pillars of analysis. The present course and its sequel, Real Analysis II, gives a thorough treatment of the underlying general measure theory, Lebesgue integration, the resulting Lebesgue spaces, related linear functionals, and product measures. It treats Borel regular measures, Radon measures, and Riesz’s representation theorem in some depth and includes the theory of Daniell integrals and as well as Riemann-Stieltjes integration. This choice of emphasis facilitates the study of geometric measure theory through planned subsequent courses.

2. Course outline
In part I, locally compact Hausdorff spaces, measures and measurable sets (including numerical summation and measurable hulls), Borel sets (Borel families, the space of sequences of positive integers, images of Borel sets, and Borel functions), Borel regular measures (approximation by closed sets, nonmeasurable sets, Radon measures, and their images), and measurable functions (approximation theorems and spaces of measurable functions) were treated. In the present part II, after establishing the necessary background on tensor products and functional analysis, Lebesgue integration (limit theorems and Lebesgue spaces), linear functionals (lattices of functions, Daniell integrals, linear functionals on Lebesgue spaces, Riesz’s representation theorem, curve length, and Riemann-Stieltjes integration), and product measures (Fubini’s theorem and Lebesgue measure) shall be covered; some of the material on functional analysis will be relegated to the self-study phase.

3. Details of the course
The main reference text will be the instructor’s weekly updated lecture notes written in LaTeX. They are based on and expand the relevant parts of Federer’s treatise [Fed69] and, concerning topology, Kelley’s book [Kel75]. Grading is solely determined by individual oral examinations conducted in English; to be admitted to these examinations, at least 50% of the possible credits need to be obtained in weekly exercises. The course will be accompanied by a tutorial conducted in Mandarin to review these exercises and to provide assistance with the study of the course and repetition of relevant prerequisites (see below). The course is conducted in the format 16 weeks of lectures plus 2 weeks of self-study.

4. Prerequisites
Part II assumes basic knowledge of locally compact Hausdorff spaces and a good knowledge of general measure theory; the lecture notes of Part I (see [Men22]) cover this material.

5. Course material
For Part I, lecture notes, videos, and further information are available for download from <https://cantor.math.ntnu.edu.tw/nc/index.php/s/NFwnQ3GLkYnEe87>; the password is available from Cathy Li. Similar material will be made available during Part II.

6. Tutorial in Mandarin
This weekly tutorial starts in the second week of the lecture period. Its time will be discussed with the participants in the first lecture.

7. Credit: 3

8. References: 


Herbert Federer. Geometric measure theory. Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften, Band 153. Springer-Verlag New York Inc., New York, 1969.
URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-62010-2.


John L. Kelley. General topology. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1975.

Reprint of the 1955 edition [Van Nostrand, Toronto, Ont.], Graduate

Texts in Mathematics, No. 27.


Ulrich Menne. Real Analysis. Lecture notes, National Taiwan Normal University, 2022.


Contact: murphyyu@ncts.ntu.edu.tw

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(C) 2021 National Center for Theoretical Sciences